Motorola has launched the 'Power' model of its Moto G series in the last few years. Something similar will also happen with the Moto G8 series. It is reported that a Motorola phone with 'KZ50' model name has received US FCC certification. It is equipped with a large 5000 mAh battery. Additionally, another smartphone with the model number XT2041-4 has got Wi-Fi certification before its launch. It is being claimed that the company will soon launch Moto G8 Power which will run on Android 10 and will be equipped with Snapdragon 665 processor.
According to a report by Nashville Chatterclass, the American FCC has certified a Motorola phone with a model number 'KZ50' which has a 5,000 mAh battery. Now in Motorola's G-series, power branding has been done for phones with large batteries. There is a hint that the phone with the model number 'KZ50' will come in the name of Moto G8 Power. The US FCC database revealed that the phone would be 157.9 millimeters long. It can have a 6.2-inch or 6.3-inch screen. But no information about its resolution could be found.
At the same time, Wi-Fi Alliance has certified a Motorola phone with 'XT2041-4' model number. It is believed that this phone will come in the name of Moto G8 Power. The Wi-Fi Alliance database has revealed that the phone will run on Android 10. It will have 2.4G + 5G Wi-Fi support. XDA Developers Editor-in-Chief Mishal Rahman tweeted that a smartphone named 'sofia' is being tested by Motorola. It can come in the name of Motorola G8 Power.
Rahman has said in his tweet that the phone being tested will be equipped with Android 10 and will run on the SM 6125 platform. Explain that the SM6125 platform is the part number of Qualcomm's Octa-core Snapdragon 665 processor. This processor is part of the Moto G8 Plus launched in 2019. Apart from this, a Motorola phone named Moto XT2045-2 has got EEC certification. But currently no further information is available about this phone.
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